drhoz Jun 06, 2020 15:41
lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), blobs with no bones in, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings), education even if you don't want it
drhoz Jun 02, 2020 21:10
parasite, funguuz, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings), dwellers in the depths, araneae (true spiders), pluunts, education even if you don't want it
drhoz Dec 13, 2019 17:30
blobs with no bones in, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings), education even if you don't want it
drhoz May 05, 2019 20:27
#1384, #1385, #1381, #1380, #1379, blobs with no bones in, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings), hemiptera (true bugs), #1382, #1383, lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), education even if you don't want it, diptera (flies), #1386, coleoptera (beetles), #1378
drhoz Mar 15, 2018 20:01
#1296, #1295, education even if you don't want it, #1293, #1290, #1291, #1289, #1294, blobs with no bones in, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings), #1292
drhoz Sep 26, 2017 11:10
#1207, #1204, #1205, #1209, #1206, hymenoptera (bees/wasps/ants), lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), mollusc, araneae (true spiders), blobs with no bones in, #1208, dwellers in the depths, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings)
drhoz Jan 14, 2014 19:01
pagham palace, cinematographs, hymenoptera (bees/wasps/ants), lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), coleoptera (beetles), blobs with no bones in, neuroptera (antlions and lacewings)
drhoz Jun 30, 2013 11:02